There may be some cofusion in how the RotateEntityTo function actually works.
until now, i still don't know how to get it to work properly.
RotateEntity merely rotates it forever about its set axis.
however, i manage to set it up so that i can CONTROL its rotation, hence it can
1. rotate forever
2. be controlled by input keys, hence the possibility to form doors, rotating walls(changing architecture) etc.
3. rotate at a set PATTERN.
However, i did notice that with my method, there are some flaws in Sandbox 2.
the TIMER is not PERFECT!
if you tell it to rotate at 90 degrees per second, and STOP rotating after FOUR seconds, the object may not make a 360 degreee rotation.
infact, using Move Entity To in HIGH SPEEDS can usually make your object end up not where its supposed to be.
i suspect it has something to do with the imperfect timer.
the follwing pictures are some programming of my elevator doors, Elevator programming and Elevator pathways programming.

using the Rotate Entity in crysis sandbox 2 properly .
Setting Vec (0,0,0) at the START means the objects isn't rotating when you start the game. (note:, due to imperfect timer, the objects actually rotate a few small degrees. if this happens, use the "Reset Geometry" in Tools Tab in the menubar.)
then, using the Key input, combined with delay timers, you can control the rotation of the object.

Two way rotation using Rotate Entity. here i make use of two buttons, to control the rotation. the two Logic Anys simply make sure the buttons don't work until it has finished rotating/moving. this is critical in lift systems, so taht it cannot suddenly change direction, and may acuse the player to fall off the lift!

using proximity trigger part 1. proximity triggers can also be neatly used so taht buttons only work when you are in the trigger. but i find that abit tedious.
simple elevator logic in crysis sandbox 2
this flowchart uses 3 buttons to bring me to 3 differnt levels. of course safe guard is included, so that if i press buttons while the lift is moving, it won't work.

using Move Entity To infinitely part1.
you can join up MoveEntityTo in series.

using Move Entity To infinitely part2
To make it move in a very complex mine cable rail.
you jsut need LOTS of co ordinates......and patience.