Monday, June 13, 2011

slight update

my slightly new version is updated in the download links. it include some bug fixes in the code, and a new use of Time of Day trigger and Material change.

basically, i made the screens, and block elements glow at night, and "turn off" in the day time. that is to show/imply the turbine is powering the glowing elements.the flow chart shows how to do this.
Note: the code isn't perfect. somehow it doesnt turn on you start the game between 12.00am and 6.00am as it is supposed to, but its fine for the rest of the day.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

EXP3 videos

Programming in SandBox 2

There may be some cofusion in how the RotateEntityTo function actually works.
until now, i still don't know how to get it to work properly.

RotateEntity merely rotates it forever about its set axis.

however, i manage to set it up so that i can CONTROL its rotation, hence it can
1. rotate forever
2. be controlled by input keys, hence the possibility to form doors, rotating walls(changing architecture) etc.
3. rotate at a set PATTERN.

However, i did notice that with my method, there are some flaws in Sandbox 2.

the TIMER is not PERFECT!
if you tell it to rotate at 90 degrees per second, and STOP rotating after FOUR seconds, the object may not make a 360 degreee rotation.

infact, using Move Entity To in HIGH SPEEDS can usually make your object end up not where its supposed to be.
i suspect it has something to do with the imperfect timer.

the follwing pictures are some programming of my elevator doors, Elevator programming and Elevator pathways programming.

using the Rotate Entity in crysis sandbox 2 properly .
Setting Vec (0,0,0) at the START means the objects isn't rotating when you start the game. (note:, due to imperfect timer, the objects actually rotate a few small degrees. if this happens, use the "Reset Geometry" in Tools Tab in the menubar.)
then, using the Key input, combined with delay timers, you can control the rotation of the object.

Two way rotation using Rotate Entity. here i make use of two buttons, to control the rotation. the two Logic Anys simply make sure the buttons don't work until it has finished rotating/moving. this is critical in lift systems, so taht it cannot suddenly change direction, and may acuse the player to fall off the lift!

using proximity trigger part 1. proximity triggers can also be neatly used so taht buttons only work when you are in the trigger. but i find that abit tedious.

simple elevator logic in crysis sandbox 2
this flowchart uses 3 buttons to bring me to 3 differnt levels. of course safe guard is included, so that if i press buttons while the lift is moving, it won't work.

using Move Entity To infinitely part1.
you can join up MoveEntityTo in series.

using Move Entity To infinitely part2
To make it move in a very complex mine cable rail.
you jsut need LOTS of co ordinates......and patience.

5 image captures, + crysis wars environment + sketchup model + brief explanation

over all view of the terrain and architecture. the picture shows a curvy rail, which is actually used as a cable to bridge the two architectures and elevators.
The cable is formed in such a way to be distinct from the environment, but at the same time, appreciative, by follwing the sides of the cliff face.

oprah's office space. the leaf like structure and the deformation of the cliff around it suggest a root like hold onto the cliff wall. the concept of cliging to the wall is derived from oprah's personality and history of overcoming poverty.
there are two distinct patterns on the shape; a curled fern, and water drop. i thought both elements were appropriate for this client.

johnathan ive's space. basing my design on the inverse of Cino Zucchi's architecture, combined with the iPod shuffle, and the theme of 'Assembly', the form of his office space turned out like this.
since he is a designer at heart, and most designer's are sensitive to current trends, i thought that an energy conservation approach is appropriate and inlcuded a turbine. (yet it still reminds me of the circular button on an iPod Shuffle). the turbine powers elements of his building and the videos of his screens turning on and off during day time or night time shows this.

the meeting space is on a cliff outcrop that has't quite eroded away, overlooking a vast view of the sea. the curvy table support reflects the manner which the clients have arrived at the area.

The architecture of Oprah demonstrates her intimacy, and empathy as strength, and Ive's architecture demonstrates marriage of design and technology and demand in the market.

the elevator pathways of both show a graceful(in theory) coming together of both elements , and combine into an element that is modern and sensitve....

Oprah's elevator is on the left, Ive's elevator is on the right. please refer to the youtube videos that can show their movements.

their movements follow the outline of the cliffs, and sometimes briefly pass each other. they gracefully meet at the meeting point on top of the cliff outcrop.
(theoretically gracefully, but in gameplay, there may be some bugs!)

please play my level to fully experience it, rather than judge it based on 5 pictures.
Note: programming is relatively flawless, so you can just play it without the use of the F3 Cheat key. or just watch the videos.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis Wars\Game\Levels\z3254938level
C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis Wars\Game\Objects\z3254938objects
you need to export the files into the right directory or it will not load properly.
also: always press "Reload Geometry" in the Tools tab in the Menu bar!
it resets all the original positions of all entities.
i am not sure why, but anything that ROTATES in Sandbox 2, has a tendency NOT to return to their original position after you press Esc.


Sketchup Model

Environment and clients

Environment : The White Cliffs of Dover
Location: England

I have chosen Johnathan Ive and Oprah winfrey as my clients and chosen The white cliffs of dover as my crysis sandbox environment.

Mash Up collage

original text

Winfrey saw television's power to blend public and private; while it links strangers and conveys information over public airwaves, TV is most often viewed in the privacy of our homes. Like a family member, it sits down to meals with us and talks to us in the lonely afternoons. Grasping this paradox, Oprah exhorts viewers to improve their lives and the world. She makes people care because she cares. That is Winfrey's genius, and will be her legacy, as the changes she has wrought in the talk show continue to permeate our culture and shape our lives.
Deborah Tannen, a professor at Georgetown University, is author of The Argument Culture

"So many companies are competing against each other with similar agendas. Being superficially different is the goal of so many of the products we see. A preoccupation with differentiation is the concern of many corporations rather than trying to innovate and genuinely taking the time, investing the resources and caring enough to try and make something better." - Johnathan Ive interview

Q What were you like in high school?

A Very dedicated, very studious, very disciplined. I played music every day. Rehearsal, practice, piano. I was in plays and in bands. And I got very good grades. I was also a bad-ass. I was the kind of girl who didn't have to listen in class, but would always ace the test and get wasted later with friends. I'm very, very grateful for my education. I think it's one of the things that makes me different as a pop singer in the way that I approach the work and the visuals.

Mash up:

I'm very, very grateful for my education. many companies are competing against each other with similar agendas. TV is most often viewed in the privacy of our homes. Like a family member, it sits down to meals with us and talks to us in the lonely afternoons. Being superficially different is the goal of so many of the products we see. I think it's one of the things that makes me different as a pop singer in the way that I approach the work and the visuals. Grasping this paradox, Oprah exhorts viewers to improve their lives and the world. She makes people care because she cares. I played music every day. Rehearsal, practice, piano. I was in plays and in bands. And I got very good grades. I was also a bad-ass. I was the kind of girl who didn't have to listen in class, but would always ace the test and get wasted later with friends. That is Winfrey's genius, and will be her legacy. "So A preoccupation with differentiation is the concern of many corporations rather than trying to innovate and genuinely taking the time, investing the resources and caring enough to try and make something better.”

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Geodesic Dome

Normal spheres in sketchup are made of Trapeziums. they are four sided shapes, which converge into triangles in the top.

while they may make a relatively accurate surface of an real sphere, this is not a good case because if i were to apply textures on it, the small trigangles at the poles of a sphere do not show these textures very well.

compared to a geodesic sphere which has very uniform triangular areas, they show textures much more accurately and uniformly.

the plug in for Geodesic dome can be found in here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One point perspective drawings










